- Kurt Denninghoff, Tomas Nuño, Qi Pauls, Sharon D. Yeatts, Robert Silbergleit, Yuko Y. Palesch, Lisa H. Merck, Geoff Manley, and David W. Wright.
- Prehospital Intubation is associated with favorable outcomes in ProTECT III.
- Peter Cotton, Qi Pauls, Valerie Durkalski, Jamila Keith, April Wood.
- The EPISOD study; outcomes at 5 years.
- Alejandro L. Suarez, MD, Peter B. Cotton, MD FRCP FRCS, Qi Pauls, MS, Valerie Durkalski-Mauldin, PhD, Gregory A. Coté, MD, MS.
- Sphincter of Oddi dysfunction: A survey of current practice in USA.
- Peter Cotton, Valerie Durkalski, Qi Pauls, April Wood for the EPISOD study team.
- The EPISOD study; outcomes at 3 years.
- Olga Brawman-Mintzer, Valerie Durkalski, Qi Wu, Joseph Romagnuolo, Douglas Drossman, Peter Cotton.
- Psychosocial Characteristics and Pain Burden of Patients with Suspected Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction (SOD) in a Multicenter Prospective Trial.
- Olga Brawman-Mintzer, Valerie Durkalski, Qi Wu, Joseph Romagnuolo, Evan Fogel, Paul Tarnasky, Guiseppe Aliperti, Martin Freeman, Richard Kozarek, Priya Jamidar, Mel Wilcox, Kyle Orrell, April Wood, Patrick Mauldin, Jose Serrano, Douglas Drossman, Patricia Robuck, Peter Cotton.
- How Sane are Patients with Suspected Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction (SOD)? Psychosocial Characteristics and Pain Burden of Patients enrolled in the EPISOD Trial.
- J Romagnuolo, PB Cotton, V Durkalski, O Brawman-Mintzer, DA Drossman, Q Wu, K Orrell, AW Williams, EL Fogel, PR Tarnasky, G Aliperti, ML Freeman, RA Kozarek, PA Jamidar, CM Wilcox, JA Serrano, GH Elta.
- Can patient and pain characteristics predict manometric Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction (SOD) in patients with clinically suspected SOD?
- Durkalski VL, Wu Q.
- Assessing the Success of the Blinded in Sham-Controlled Trials.
- Society for Clinical Trials Annual Meeting, May 2013, Boston, MA. Oral presentation.
- Qi Wu, Peter Cotton, Valerie Durkalski, Chris Lawrence, Rebekah Whichard, Olga Brawman-Mintzer.
- Duloxetine for the treatment of patients with suspected Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction: an open-label pilot study.
- Wenle Zhao, Qi Wu.
- A blocked urn design for subject randomization in clinical trials - Brings together high efficiency in imbalance control and low proportion of determinative assignment.